• 705-789-4571
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Volunteer Awards - Recipients

The Huntsville Curling Club could not exist without the countless contributions of its many volunteers.

Indeed, volunteers play an essential role in literally every facet of the operation of our Club. 

Many of our members go beyond the call of duty, freely contributing their time and energy to make our Club a great place to curl and socialize, without any expectation of public recognition.

At HCC we believe that recognizing these individuals for their efforts inspires us all. It’s one of the few ways our Club can highlight the immense value we place on their contributions. Near the conclusion of each season, we put a call out to our members to nominate those who have volunteered over the course of the year for recognition in two categories;

Volunteer of the Year Award

  • This award recognizes HCC members whose leadership and contributions within the past curling season had a significant and positive impact on the Club.
  • Nominations from membership and reviewed by Volunteer Engagement Committee and BOD

Volunteer Lifetime Achievement Award

This award recognizes HCC members who significantly contributed to the Club’s sustainable growth and success through their leadership and contributions over multiple years and in multiple areas



John Dunn, Larry Hope, Peter Gleed, Nancy Houle, Martha Lapp, Jessica Smith, Marilyn Kreutzer, Craig Mair,
Ann Murat, Ged Williams, Bruce Wilson

Sue Bionda, Dale Heiydt, Larry Hope, Martha Lapp,Val Kittner, Marilyn KreutzerDennis Roland, Richard Tousignant
Nicole Dutkiewicz
Craig Abernathy, Darrell Harper, Dennis Roland, Lou D'Alessandro, Marilyn Kreutzer, Dave Rigby
Ev Brown 

Bob Gibb, Beth Goodhew, Scott Goodhew, Darrell Harper, Chris Herrndorf, Dave Rigby, Dennis Rolland,
Roy Sullivan

Eric Spinks



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Thanks to Our Sponsors

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Contact Info

6 Veterans Way
Huntsville, Ontario
P1H 1V9

Phone: 705-789-4571

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The Huntsville Curling Club is a proud recipient of an Ontario Trillium Grant as well as an Ontario Sports and Recreation Community Fund Grant.

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