New to curling or experienced. Young or young at heart. The Huntsville Curling Club offers leagues that will provide you with an enjoyable curling experience. We offer daytime and evening leagues, "drop-in" or team leagues. Most of our leagues are social, with our Thursday evening Chose your Own Team catering to the competivitive spirit.
Learn more by selecting one of the leagues that interest you from the list below.
Click on a league to see more information
The Sunday Afternoon Skills Development and Practice League focuses on the development of skills; whether refining one's delivery or learning strategy as a new skip or vice.
This league will have guest coaches who will provide advice, guidance, and coaching throughout the season. Each week will have a training component of 15-30 mins to be followed by a TAG(Pick-up) curling game.
Many Learn2Curl graduates will be comfortable in this league to provide more time to understand the game and their role on the team.
Brand new curlers who have missed our Learn2Curl session can also participate in this Skills Development afternoon. The goal will be to complete 4-6 ends of curling and have some fun while learning the nuances of the sport of curling.
Minimum of 16 participants required for the league to run
Skills Development League: Sundays 1 :30pm - 3:30 pm
Everyone is eligible to play in the Open Mixed Tag League. This is a non-competitive league with a social emphasis. There are no set teams - simply show up at least 15 mins prior to start start time, and the convener will make up teams from those present.
Monday Mornings - 2 draws
8:45 am (6-end games)
10:30 am (8-end games)
Everyone is eligible to play in the Open Mixed Tag League. This is a non-competitive league with a social emphasis. There are no set teams - simply show up at least 15 mins prior to start start time, and the convener will make up teams from those present.
Wednesday Mornings
8:45 am (6-end games)
10:30 am (8-end games)
Monday evening ladies curling is for new and experienced curlers alike. Enter as an individual and new teams are assigned for each of the sessions (7 weeks). Themed evenings are a highlight with good fun for all. Maximun of 36 curlers.
Monday Evenings - 7:00pm (7:30 for session #1)
Sign up as individuals for this fun league for women. Teams are created randomly for each of the 3 sessions (each one 7 weeks). Join us following your game for light refreshments and social time. This league is appropriate for new and experienced curlers.
Tuesdays 1:00pm
Maximum 36 curlers
The Tuesday Night Men’s League is open to men of all ages and of all skill levels. The season is broken into three 7-week sessions. New teams are selected for each 7-week session. New curlers are welcome to join the Tuesday Night Men’s League.
Tuesday Evenings approx. 6:45pm & 9:00pm
The Wednesday Mixed league is a great way to meet new people. You can join with your Spouse, partner, or as an individual. Hump day is the perfect day to hold a mixed night of curling, it helps you get over the mid week blues and get out and get some exercise. The season is broken into three 7-week sessions. There will be two draws on Wednesday evening. Should interest be greater than 2 draws, we will run a draw on Sunday evenings. You will rotate through all 3 draws. Can’t make 4:30 timeslot on Wednesday? No worries, we will have several teams that will only play at the late draw or Sunday. The conveners make up the teams for each 7-week session. It is a very social league with the opportunity to play with and against different people. The number of games is split evenly over the 3 draws throughout each session.
Wednesday Evenings 4:30pm, and 7:00pm.
More than two draws - Sunday evenings 4:30pm
Our Thursday evening Choose Your Own Team league is for both men and women and gives members the opportunity to enter as a team. The focus is on creating your own team, and is geared to the more competitive curlers. Individuals can register and we will assist in placing you on a team as available. Teams can be all female, all male or mixed (any combination).
New for last season - we will be splitting the teams into 2 divisions and playing division round robins. After each round robin, bottom 1-2 teams in division "A" will move to Division "B", while the top 1-2 teams in division "B" will move to "A". Number of teams moving will depend on number of teams registered. A playoff will take place at the end of the season to determine division winners
This more competitive environment gives you an opportunity to play as a rink over the course of an entire season, getting to know your teammates and perhaps preparing for entry in other bonspiels across Muskoka.
When registering for this league - remember you are committing to playing for the entire season.
Thursday Evenings approx. 5:45 & 8:00pm
Friday Afternoons approx. 1:00pm & 3:15pm (Note:if there is a weekend bonspiel, games may be at 10:00am and 12:15pm). Teams generally play approximately half their games each session in each of the two time slots.
Sign up as an individual, or as a two person team. Doubles is a fast paced game that can be played in approximately 1.5 hrs. A minimum of 12 players will be needed to ensure the league runs, and can accommodate up to 16 teams (32 people) with 2 draws. Game time is approx. 10:00 and will be communicated by the convenor. Some games may be played on Sunday mornings.
The league convenor will do their best to assign all individual entries to a team. However, if there are an uneven number of registrants, individual entries might not be assigned to a team. These players are encouraged to spare for the league.
This Social evening is as casual as you can get! For 6 and 7:45PM game times depending on the schedule. Enter your own team and play with friends and family. No team, No worries, just email Valerie Kittner the convener at [email protected]
Maximum 16 teams
The Huntsville Curling Club offers a variety of leagues. Click HERE for a complete list of leagues and their description.
League schedules, teams and results can all be found in the members section of the website once you LOGIN.
6 Veterans Way
Huntsville, Ontario
P1H 1V9
Phone: 705-789-4571
Email Us
The Huntsville Curling Club is a proud recipient of an Ontario Trillium Grant as well as an Ontario Sports and Recreation Community Fund Grant.